Interesting Facts About Babies and Their Development

Do you know that a newborn baby can remember the mother's voice that he often heard when in the womb? Very amazing, huh? Want to know other unique facts about babies and their development? Come, see the following article! The birth of a baby not only brings happiness, but also many 'surprises', especially for both parents who care for him. The surprise involved new things that happened during the early days of his life in the world. Various Unique Facts About Babies The following are a number of unique facts about newborns and their development that you need to know: 1. Your child learns to talk from the womb Babies can hear their mother's voice and other sounds outside the womb since the age of 23-24 weeks in the womb. In fact, for most babies, a mother's voice is the one they like the most. So, it is not surprising that a newborn baby looks happy while listening to his mother talk or sing. So, even though Little One can only start talking at around 1 year...