Do you know that a newborn baby can remember the mother's voice that he often heard when in the womb? Very amazing, huh? Want to know other unique facts about babies and their development? Come, see the following article!
The birth of a baby not only brings happiness, but also many 'surprises', especially for both parents who care for him. The surprise involved new things that happened during the early days of his life in the world.
Various Unique Facts About Babies
The following are a number of unique facts about newborns and their development that you need to know:
1. Your child learns to talk from the womb
Babies can hear their mother's voice and other sounds outside the womb since the age of 23-24 weeks in the womb. In fact, for most babies, a mother's voice is the one they like the most. So, it is not surprising that a newborn baby looks happy while listening to his mother talk or sing.
So, even though Little One can only start talking at around 1 year of age, in fact he has learned to talk from the womb, by listening to the Mother's voice.
2. Newborns cry without tears
Crying is identical to shedding tears. Well, the newborn was apparently unable to shed tears when crying. Generally they just moaned and shouted.
This is because their tear glands have not really fully developed, so they have not been able to produce enough tears to release when crying. The new baby will shed tears when crying when he is more than 3-4 weeks.
3. Baby's first stool is usually dark green and odorless
You don't need to worry if your newborn's faeces is dark green or almost black. The baby's first faeces, called meconium, consists of mucus, amniotic fluid, skin cells, bile, and lanugo (baby's fine hair) that is swallowed by the baby while he is still in the womb. The first stool is also odorless because there are no bacteria in the intestine.
Normal bacteria in your baby's intestines only begin to grow after he gets milk. Within a few days after the baby is breastfeeding, the stool will begin to turn green, yellow or brown, with a denser texture and smell like feces in general.
4. Babies have more bones than adults
The bones of newborn babies number 300, while adults only have 206 bones. The number of bones of a baby will decrease with age because some of the bones are fused.
For example, in the initial form, a baby's skull consists of three bones that are joined by cartilage. This is to facilitate the baby out of the birth canal. Well, the bones will eventually fuse and form one solid bone.
5. Newborns can only see clearly from a very close distance
Newborns can only clearly see objects 20-30 cm away from their faces. Beyond that, everything still looks like a faint shadow. When the baby is one or two months old, the new baby is able to focus his eyes on toys or other objects placed before his eyes.
However, when entering the end of the 3rd month or before the age of 4 months, he was able to see the shape and color of objects more clearly.
6. The stomach of a newborn baby is only the size of a walnut
This is the reason why newborns need to be breastfed frequently. Little does not have enough space in his stomach to accommodate breast milk in large quantities at once. In fact, even the smallest air bubbles can take place in the stomach. That is why, babies need to be burped before and after breastfeeding.
The baby's stomach will continue to grow and develop rapidly to the size of a chicken egg at the age of 2 or 3 weeks. To meet their nutritional and fluid needs, feed your baby regularly and frequently, until he is 6 months old.
7. The brain development of a baby boy is different from a baby girl
Although it's still being debated, the results of the study show that the brains of baby boys tend to grow faster than girls' brains in the first three months of life. It was also said that the part of the brain that grows faster is the frontal lobe that controls body movements.
Meanwhile, newborn baby girls are known to have sharper senses. They can see and hear better than a baby boy. Girl babies are also said to have better speech skills than baby boys.
However, this difference does not absolutely make baby boys and girls different. The growth and development of a baby is still influenced by parenting, nutrition, and interaction between the baby and the surrounding environment.
8. Newborns will sleep for up to 18 hours
Most newborn babies spend more time sleeping. The sleep needs of each baby are not the same, but the average is around 15-17 hours per day.
The bedtime of a newborn is uncertain and he can sleep at any time. But when the baby has begun to learn to distinguish day and night, usually he will more easily sleep in a place where the light is dim and the atmosphere is quiet.
Besides the amazing facts above, there are many more unique and amazing things about newborn babies. For example, newborns cannot feel salty until they reach 5 months of age, babies usually have birthmarks, and most newborns also prefer to sleep facing right.
In terms of communication, babies have many tricks to steal the attention of their fathers and mothers, for example by crying, moaning, or chattering.
By knowing the unique facts about the baby and its development, it is hoped that each parent can better understand what happens during the first months of life of the baby in the world, as well as during the process of growth and development.
If Mother and Father find things that are worrying during the process of growth and development of the Little One or suspect the Little One has obstacles in growth and development, do not hesitate to consult with your pediatrician.
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